
open class SmsSubmitCase


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constructor(localDbRepository: LocalDbRepository, smsRepository: SmsRepository, deviceStateRepository: DeviceStateRepository, dhisVersionManager: DHISVersionManager)


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open fun checkConfirmationSms(fromDate: Date): Completable
Observe incoming SMS waiting for a response to this submission case.
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open fun compressDataSet(dataSet: String, orgUnit: String, period: String, attributeOptionComboUid: String): Single<String>
Generate the compressed message of a dataSet.
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open fun compressDeletion(itemToDeleteUid: String): Single<String>
Generate the compressed message of an event to delete.
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open fun compressEnrollment(enrollmentUid: String): Single<String>
Generate the compressed message of an enrollment.
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open fun compressRelationship(relationshipUid: String): Single<String>
Generate the compressed message of a relationship.
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open fun compressSimpleEvent(eventUid: String): Single<String>
Generate the compressed message of a simple event.
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open fun compressTrackerEvent(eventUid: String): Single<String>
Generate the compressed message of a tracker event.
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open fun convertDataSet(dataSet: String, orgUnit: String, period: String, attributeOptionComboUid: String): Single<Integer>
Set a dataSet to send by SMS.
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open fun convertDeletion(itemToDeleteUid: String): Single<Integer>
Set an event to delete by SMS.
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open fun convertEnrollment(enrollmentUid: String): Single<Integer>
Set an enrollment to send by SMS.
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open fun convertRelationship(relationshipUid: String): Single<Integer>
Set a relationship to send by SMS.
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open fun convertSimpleEvent(eventUid: String): Single<Integer>
Set a simple event to send by SMS.
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open fun convertTrackerEvent(eventUid: String): Single<Integer>
Set a tracker event to send by SMS.
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open fun isConfirmationMessage(sender: String, message: String): Single<Boolean>
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open fun markAsSentViaSMS(): Completable
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open fun send(): Observable<SmsRepository.SmsSendingState>
Call this method to send the SMS.